Report`s Abstracts Submission due to November 1, 2024
Abstracts should be sent in electronic form (file *.doc, *.docx MS Word) with e-mail on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to the Organizing Committee.
Requirements to arrangement of report`s abstracts:
Abstracts` languages: English, Ukrainian.
Text, graphics and formulas; page parameters – paper size A5 with margins up and down 2 cm, left 2.5 cm, right 1.5 cm, Times New Roman font, size 10, line interval – 1,0. In the upper left corner indicate UDC. Title of the report (big "bold" letters) is in the center, on the next line are initials and surnames of authors, further there is a name of the institution (in italics), after a free line the text of the report begins. The abstract should not exceed four (4) pages size A5.
Example of an abstract
UDC 517.957
V.G. Malenko
Institute for Applied System Analysis, Ukraine
The problem of population dynamics is central to ecological studies. For a more adequate description of population dynamics one must take into consideration heterogeneity of individuals’ properties, particularly the age-old structure.
A simpler example of a structured model for age is a von Foerster’s linear model [1]. It looks like this:

A. Von Foerster H. Some remarks on changing populations / / Kinetics of Cellular Proliferation. - New-York: Grune and Stratton, 1959. - P. 382 - 407.